People know what they believe. They just don't know why they believe it.
Notes with time stamps below.
0:09 Tell me a little
about yourself?
Methodist church growing up but not a religious family. Got
involved. Assist with Pastor. Leading Sunday School classes. Doubts started
around intelligent design argument really got going. Wanted to examine other
side (evolution). That led me down path to being an atheist. Logic coming was
just more solid (from evolution side). Diving into it further. Slowly moved away
from church. What people would call agnostic, but then atheist. See what
religion was doing, even became more anti-theist.
Are you real involved in showing people your side? Yes, and more
like not being silent about it. Helping others see errors in their ways. I’m
more direct in what I post and tweet. Most people didn’t reason themselves into
their beliefs. Helping people realize how their beliefs don’t line up, making
them question.
4:32 Do theists not
really know what they believe? They know what they believe, but not why
they believe it. Most beliefs are simply passed down from parents to children.
5:08 Do you consider
yourself an atheist or agnostic?
Let’s define terms first. People take 3 views: 1. Agnostic
(don’t know) 2. Atheists (no god) 3. Theists (god exist). I consider myself an
Agnostic Atheist. I’m not claiming certainty, but what I believe leads me to
atheism. I believe everyone are actually agnostics- theists and atheists. There
are also Gnostic Atheists (Strong Atheists, Hard Atheists), probably about
5-10% of total atheists.
7:07 When did you
become an atheist/agnostic?
Probably around 2003-2004. Looking at it as I was trying to
support intelligent design. Over a period of years (3-5) agnostic to atheist.
8:00 Do you consider
yourself a former Christian or other religion?
Former Christian. I would say I was saved. Strong believer.
How did telling the church go? Slow transition out of church.
Slowly stopped teaching, my involvement, phasing out, occasionally started
skipping church services, then Sr. Pastor passed away, easy breaking away point
at that time.
9:57 Why do you not
believe in God?
I don’t believe there is one because taking a critical
examination at the evidence out there. There is no observable or examinable
evidence of a Supreme Being.
10:26 What would you
say to God-believers out there?
Take a step back and question. If the Bible was presented to
you apart than from a church, and read it, more than likely you would not
believe it. People believe because they are taught by others to believe. Get
yourself knowledge about other religions. You can easily see faults in other
religions, but you ignore those same problems in your own religion.
12:06 Are you mad at
No. I don’t believe in God. No more mad at God than you are
mad at Zeus.
12:26 Do you hate the
Christian God at all?
For the most part it’s no big deal. Many Christians I speak
with are not as knowledgeable of the Bible as I am.
13:26 Should I stop
believing in God, or stay the way I am?
Really examine for yourself. Become familiar with processes
behind critical thinking. It’s going to fall short. It’s far better for people
to think critically about everything, religious or political.
14:33 Have you or do
you currently read the Bible or any religious books?
I haven’t in a while. I had a period of time when I was
involved in the church that I read the Bible daily. Had lots of study Bibles.
Read Book of Mormon. Read Dianetics. Read Koran. Hindu books, Confuscius books.
Been 4-5 years since.
15:37 What would be
the #1 book you’d recommend that I read?
Christopher Hitchens – God is Not Great.
16:04 Have you ever
heard of “presuppositional apologetics”?
Yes. Familiar with that.
16:19 I’d like to
read you a Bible passage. Is that ok? Romans 1: 18-21 – Do you agree or
disagree with that?
I’ve heard it before. I don’t give a lot of credit to it.
Tribes “out there” don’t have a concept of God.
I would argue the opposite. Most people DON’T know there is
a God. Most people DON’T know there is an afterlife. That is why people cry at
funerals. Before you can talk about the wrath of God, you have to show God
exists. Then you have to show that it’s YOUR God instead of another religion’s
God. You have to show there is a soul. You have to prove there is a Heaven or
Hell. There is no proof of sin. Pfizer don’t make a pill to cure sin because it
doesn’t exist. Natural tendency to question and wonder, but that’s it. Thousands
of years ago we thought earthquakes were caused by demons because we didn’t
know any better. We don’t believe from birth there is a God.
20:44 Why do you have
to prove there is a soul? It’s a “tenet” of the religion, right? Soul goes
on in an afterlife. No proof there is a soul, but plenty of proof that all we
are is our physical body. That is the major draw of most religion- dealing with
death. I don’t want to die. I’m not scared of death but I want to enjoy my life
as long as possible. You have to demonstrate a soul exists to justify any
religion being true. If there isn’t a soul, then every religion is meaningless.
If you accept the fact that this is all there is, you accept life differently.
I consider murder now more serious than I did before. It’s much more permanent
in my mind now. Is that why many people
are against capital punishment? Don’t have enough information to say one
way or the other.
26:04 Is there
anything in the Bible you strongly disagree with? / What passage or story would
you say you have the biggest problem with in the Bible?
Mark 16:9-20. Creation account is pretty absurd. Did you ever have a problem with Creation
when a Christian? I was never a Bible literalist. I never saw it to be
taking literally. It was simply mythology.
29:05 Do you ever
debate religion/existence of God with anybody?
I haven’t but would do so.
29:12 Have Christians
ever tried talking to you about becoming a Christian?
Yes. My father is a very hard core Christian, I get stuff
from him all the time.
29:23 Are you open to
the existence of a God?
Yes, if evidence could be supplied that could change my
mind. Has to be attestable evidence. Regardless where you are, you can pick up
something, drop it and prove gravity. If you could provide evidence similar to
that about the existence of God, then sure.
30:06 If you
discovered that Christianity was true, would you believe it and become a
If the right evidence came along, sure. I would change my
belief that the world is a sphere if you could prove otherwise.
What would be significant evidence to you?
If you could pray for someone who lost a limb and it grow
back- that would be something. If you could repeat it, that would really be
Pleasant interview.
else you want to say? Think
I’ve covered it all for now, until we hang up.
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