Where a theist interviews atheists, agnostics, former church pastors and former church attenders. We discuss atheism, religion, and more. From the laid back, to active, to activist, to outright militant. I've learned much so far. 13 interviews as of 7/09/2014.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

005 - Andrew from Dundee, Scotland

I'm not mad at God... I'm mad at part of the fan club.

Written Notes with timestamps below
00:10 Tell me a little about yourself?
Live in Dundee, east coast of Scotland. Was a Christian as a child. Felt called to ministry – during University. Accepted to Divinity University. Went through interviews regarding becoming a Pastor. Presbyterian Church of Scotland - Church felt I had too many doubts. Since then beliefs fallen away. 4-5 years – “atheism.” Doubts about existence of a God led to me atheism –anything outside of nature. Don’t see evidence.
02:38 Do you consider yourself an atheist or agnostic?
Skeptic. Don’t take things at face value. Don’t see atheist and agnostic as entirely different. Agnostic in that I can’t say for definite there isn’t a God. Answers to different questions. Atheist regards dealing with God. Agnostic deals with knowledge of something.
05:28 When did you become an atheist/agnostic?
Don’t see it as “becoming an atheist.” But would guess probably 5-10 years ago. Not a Paul on the Road to Gethsamene. I mean Damascus.
06:16 Do you consider yourself a former Christian or other religion?
Used to be a Christian. Born into church Christian or belief in Christ Christian? Both, was born into it but I had salvation experience.
07: 37 Why do you not believe in God?
Evidence for it. Don’t see any real evidence for it. Christians say, “isn’t the world beautiful.” Yes, but what about all the problems in the world. Beautiful isn’t a reason. Degree in University was in biochemistry. Questioned Noah’s Ark. Literal Creation story.
09:23 What would you say to God-believers out there?
Believe what you want. Only time I have an issue with religion is when they impose their beliefs on others. Public square, laws, etc. Gay marriage for example. If you’re against it, don’t marry someone with the same gender. Quick clarification: public laws for country sake, or evangelizing purposes? Less government involved all around, the better. Ok to debate, Ok to dialogue, try to convert. But leave it at home. Not on public tax paper land.
16:03 Are you mad at God?
16: 11 Do you hate the Christian God at all?
No. I’m not mad at God, I’m mad at the fan club. Christian phrases thrown out for the sake of sounding Spiritual.
18:52 Should I stop believing in God, or stay the way I am?
Entirely up to you. Someone else can’t persuade you, you have to discover for yourself.
19:43 Have you or do you currently read the Bible or any religious books?
I do occasionally read the Bible. Set up a website that throws up a random verse and asks what people think of that. What’s that website? Versevote.com. Read the Bible through previously. Read verses occasionally for debate. Look at verses than verses around it because people challenge, “oh you’ve got to read it in context.” Read books about atheism? I’ve read some, but I don’t regularly read them now.
23:12 If you could recommend any one book, what would it be?
Richard Dawkins “The Selfish Gene” or “Greatest Show on Earth”
24:53 Have you ever heard of “presuppositional apologetics”?
Yes. Fairly familiar. Sye Ten Bruggencate and Matt Dillhaunty.
25:30 I’d like to read you a Bible passage. Is that ok? Romans 1: 18-21 – Do you agree or disagree with that?
First you have to demonstrate the Bible is true, then you have to prove God exists. “God exists whether you like it or not” is like a guy stomping his foot- you can’t debate it.
29:00 Is there anything in the Bible you strongly disagree with?
It’s more what’s missing. Ten Commandments for example. No prevention about slavery or child abuse. And first four are all about God. Seems to me it is coming from someone who is insecure.
30:30 Do you ever debate religion/existence of God with anybody?
Yes, most often on Twitter. Once a month sitting for a couple hours online chatting debate. Avoid youtube cause of the comments. Twitter is great cause it helps you make your arguments concise.
31:50 Have Christians ever tried talking to you about becoming a Christian?
Occasionally, not a regular thing. Occasionally a JW at the door.
32:30 Are you open to the existence of a God?
Possibility. What would have to happen for you to say God exists? I don’t know. Difficult to think.
33:10 If you discovered that Christianity was true, would you believe it and become a Christian?
If it was demonstrated to be true, I wouldn’t have an option but to believe.

36:06 End of interview.  Asked me about believing the Bible literally and how I interact with non literal Bible believing “liberal” Christians. 

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