Where a theist interviews atheists, agnostics, former church pastors and former church attenders. We discuss atheism, religion, and more. From the laid back, to active, to activist, to outright militant. I've learned much so far. 13 interviews as of 7/09/2014.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

003 - Cris from Wales

The idea that you can get in an escape pod and jettison to an eternal place is a harmful thought.

Notes below, click Read more

Tell me a little about yourself?
8,500+ followers on twitter. Anti-theism activist. Blogging since 2007. “My questions that can’t be answered.” Example: Go to crispysea.blogspot.com -> go to TMQ Core for Top Blog Posts
Goal: Find a way to stop people thinking they need a God.
I don’t really trust anybody. Atheist since 6.
Santa/God, just same thing to me. Bible isn’t factual, therefore why would you read any of it at all?
I had a “little reading as possible” policy in school- effected my grades, religion’s fault (kinda). Because I couldn’t trust anybody.
Religion for me separated me from society.
Kids came home one day, “God made the trees.” School (public) said, “oh we’re just delivering the facts.” No they weren’t, they were delivering propaganda.
                What caused this at age 6? Protestant Reformed Church was attending, building 100 years old. Wanted to replace the Organ. Then saw Wizard of Oz in theatre. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Organ was put in behind a curtain in the church. “Oh this is all rubbish.” Not until Teens until fully convinced.
Do you consider yourself an atheist or agnostic?
If I’m talking to someone who isn’t religious, I will say agnostic. – “it’s not possible to know.”
However I’m fully atheist. I take it because it’s forced upon me. Atheists only exist because Theists think up the supernatural.
Debates: dictionary is “the atheist’s Bible”                  
I’m an anti-theism activist. I want it irradicated. The idea that you can get in an escape pod and jettison to an eternal place is a harmful thought.
When did you become an atheist/agnostic?
Started when I was 6, fully convinced when I was 14.
Activism started about 10 years ago.
I live in Wales, saw churches closing due to falling attendance. Thought it was great, that the world was growing up and people were getting free from religion. Then went online and saw otherwise.
Do you consider yourself a former Christian or other religion?
“Branded” when I was born a protestant – United Reformed Church.
Mother “dragged me to church” every week until I was 8. She was a Sunday School teacher. A “why aren’t monkeys still changing into humans” type Christian. Dad was excused from going because “he worked all week.” My two male role models were excused from going to church, why? Obviously not important. Mom stopped going to church when dad died (age 8) cuz no one from church came to visit her.
Why do you not believe in God?
I think God is impossible. It’s not that I don’t believe in God, it’s that it’s not possible for him to exist. The Bible shows a God with exact opposite qualities of a God that would need to exist. To warrant the title “God,” the entity has to have 6 properties: omniscient, eternal, immortal, omnipresent, omnipotence, and all-knowing.
They are conjectural absolutes, not actual traits. And we have never seen these absolutes.
We can’t experience any of these absolutes, they are impossible. For an entity to have all 6 of these is 6 times as impossible.
How can things be “wrong” before they are created?
What would you say to God-believers out there?
Stop pretending. It’s damaging. Even the most simplest of religion gives reason for the existence of religious zealots. Don’t believe in any superstition either. Satanism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity. It’s all to settle the concern “I don’t want to die.”
Are you mad at God?
Side note: We “don’t believe in atheism. We just don’t believe in theism.” Use instead “accept atheism.”
Believing = pretending
‘“I believe” is simply a way for theists to explain their pretending without sounding childish.’
Nothing to be mad at.

Do you hate the Christian God at all?
The preachers in churches today don’t portray the Jesus and God that I read about in the Bible. Theirs is a Super Hero, but the God of the Bible is dumb, stuttering, ineffective.
Example: Jesus tempted by Satan in the Wilderness. The 3 temptations are not that big of a deal.
1. Bread – well God knows He’s eternal, therefore no bread doesn’t scare him.
2. Throw yourself down – well He’s eternal.
3. Worship me and get all the kingdoms – well He’s already got them.
Satan didn’t punish Jesus, punish Him, torture Him, etc.
Should I stop believing in God, or stay the way I am?
Stop it immediately. Much better for you.
Pull in a lot of new on-the-edge atheists via blog, free from mental slavery and blossom into a real human. It’s a fabulous thing to watch. Best release- taken out of a dark cloud.
Have you or do you currently read the Bible or any religious books?
As needed I do. In conversation with every version of Christian and many Muslims on an almost daily basis. And I need to be able to respond to them on a daily basis. Years since I’ve read Bible and Koran cover to cover. I’m reading their Books to free people.
Have you ever heard of “presuppositional apologetics”?
Yes. <Reviewed exact definition> Well I can have knowledge by observation and experience and our general consensus of it.
I’d like to read you a Bible passage. Is that ok? Romans 1: 18-21 – Do you agree or disagree with that?
Exceptionally empty passage. Don’t accept concept that humans have souls. Therefore, since the basis of that passage can’t be true, the passage is meaningless.
Why doesn’t God simply say “do good” and then judge people who on whether or not they do good?
If you tell people “do good or be punished” then they are not doing good because they are good, but rather to avoid punishment. Why did He put the Bible down here to begin with? Counter-productive to His plan. Romans 1:18-21 comes across more as an authoritarian dictator than loving Creator?
                What one book would you recommend theists read? 1984. George Orwell? Yeah. Big brother represents God, Party represents churches, Prolles represents free thinkers.

Is there anything in the Bible you strongly disagree with? (Number 1 passage you disagree with)
Creation Story – Genesis 1, 2.
Do you ever debate religion/existence of God with anybody?
Yes, almost daily online. Multiple “-ist”s.
                Which religion do you think is the most dangerous? I try to draw a difference between people and beliefs (“Books themselves). You find good people in every religion. Religion doesn’t make people good. Least damaging is Buddhism, then Hinduism. Christianity/Judaism/Islam are tied for worst. All three think they are the right one, and that they are supposed to take their truth to the whole world. That only can result in global war. Best thing to do is to make them adults only. A University course.
Have Christians ever tried talking to you about becoming a Christian?
They are not there to talk, they are all there to convince me I’m wrong. Except for the “cardigan Christians” – think Coffee shop-type Christianity. <OUCH!>
Are you open to the existence of a God?
No, it’s impossible. Even if there was evidence of it to be true, I still wouldn’t bow to it.
If you discovered that Christianity was true, would you believe it and become a Christian?
If there was absolute proof and I could not deny it, I still could not and would not bow to it.
I find it amazing that people in the West actually ask this question. Having a dictatorship God is a dictatorship. I believe in democracy too much. I love that freedom too much.
If I was to go to heaven, it would be on the condition that it would change to a democracy.
If not, then allow me to opt out of heaven and opt out of hell. If He is a fair and just God, I don’t see why He wouldn’t see my point and say, “Ok fair enough.”

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